CATS Sign-In Sheet

Tuesday, December 8, 2009 it worth it?

So, we have twitter accounts for our new websites, and, it looks really cool. But is it REALLY worth more than that? Most people use Twitter to tell what mundane thing they are doing right at this moment. Of course, what they are doing could be exciting too. But with the limitaiton on characters per post, there is not a great deal that one could say at a time. Do I really care that you're standing in line right now to go to the bathroom? Or that, perhaps, the bus ride is long and boring. Do you think I want to be bored reading about YOU being bored?

So, once again, I ask. Is twittering really worth my time, and how in the world could I use it for education? Twitter is a device that works in what is known as Near-Real-Time. Or as I heard one presenter say once, nearly now. It isn't instant communication like instant messaging or a phone call. But it is sent and recieved quicker than say, a blog. Here's one very interesting way that I saw that a teacher found to use twitter to connect to her class as she was out and had a substitute. Can you imagine the impact this has on her kids? If you stop and think about it, teaching has a unique portion in contrast to so many careers because you spend SO much time with your customers and build a bond with them. As you build this bond, the students are more receptive and open to accept what you are teaching. If they don't trust you, or have a good bond, chances are they are only going to do what is necessary to get out of the class. So, as promised, here's that link.

What ways can you think of incorporating these types of technology into learning? Technology is helping facilitate what we've always wanted, anytime, anywhere learning that perpetuates beyond the classroom and beyond the clock that says school time. Let us know what you find!

1 comment:

  1. Students can summarize a book, concept, etc. Connects the student to world-wide news...current events. Student collaboration and peer feedback.
