CATS Sign-In Sheet

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Day 3 at TCEA

I am still alive and going strong! I started the day waiting outside the doors to the ballroom where Chris Gardner was to speak. This is the gentleman that actor Will Smith portrayed in the movie "The Pursuit of Happiness". I had a plan, I had my coffee, and I felt as if nothing could go wrong until everyone else started showing up.

Educators can get quite vicious. It was chaos once those doors opened, and I had to run to get decent seating. As I am getting to the area that I want to sit down at, I notice that about the first ten rows have RESERVED SEATING! How nice...reserved seating...but not for me. So I sat in the 11th row!!!

I'm good and I still have a nice view. I am settled and  finishing off my coffee until 2 women sit down right in front of me in the RESERVED SECTION. Yes, they blocked my perfect view. So everytime I tried to take a picture of Chris Gardner, they were in the way. I gave up trying to get a picture.

There was a book signing afterwards. I had to stand in a ridiculously long line to buy the book only to find out that I had to stand in an even longer line to get it signed. Oh, and I had 15 minutes to get to the next workshop I signed up for. What was I to do...stay in line and get my book signed or forget getting my book signed and make it to the workshop? Decisions, decisions!!!

That was when I noticed  a nice librarian whose workshop I attended way up in the front of the line. So, I got my books signed and made the workshop...that is all I am saying about that.

Today is the day that the exhibits opened up. What is it about teachers and freebies? I was like a child in a candy store!!! I have pens to last a lifetime. I can't wait for tomorrow. Ready or not, here I come!!!   

His speech was phenomenal!!!

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